Re: Hayes 56k Modems

Stephen Zedalis (
Fri, 18 Apr 1997 09:50:44 -0400 (EDT)

On Fri, 18 Apr 1997, Todd Knaus wrote:

>We recently purchased and installed a fully loaded PM3. We have 2 PRI's
>running to the back of it. Except for some minor probelms everything went
>and has gone smoothly.
>However, a customer called yesterday stating that they just received thier
>Hayes Acura 56k modem. This is the full blown puppy not the kind you can
>upgrade to 56k.

>He can not connect to our PM3. Everytime he tries he gets a continuous
>handshake and the modems never establish a connection. He can dial into
>our old analog server and connect to our USR Sportsters with no problem.
>Has anyone experienced this problem ? If so, is there a fix ?

Sounds like the same problem the early Motorola 56K modems had. Problem
was stated to be a defect in the Rockwell chipset that necessitated a
recall of ALL the modems. (These were not flash upgradeable) I wonder if
Hayes got the same bum chips, or this is a new batch of bum chips? Or
this is actually a PM-3 problem?

On another note, we just had a customer come in showing off his Zoom
K56Flex modem. Flash rom upgradeable, also with a Rockwell chipset.
Wonder if he will also have problems with our PM-3's? (they are at the
end of our ringdown, after a couple hundred USR Courier V.everythings).

Another reason why we are going to have to have a list of tested
compatible modems by brand and model. Or at least a list of problems. It
is all well and good that we won't have 56K modems and code until June or
so. (We aren't officially supporting 56K until there is a standard) But
the customers are out there buying X2 and K56flex modems now despite our
warnings not to. I bet several of you are in the same situation.