Re: WTB: 5BRi Cards

Jake Messinger (
Thu, 17 Apr 1997 06:50:14 -0500 (CDT)

On Thu, 17 Apr 1997, Doug Ingraham wrote:

> > Well, about every day's all the bri's on the livingston are death. We now
> > have the problem on 4 systems.
> This must be a switch specific bug because I have been running several

Might be, cuz I have more than 1 PM running the BRI cards and they NEVER
die. SOme are ded connections that are up for weeks or months at a time.

Jake Messinger 713-772-6690
Advanced Medical Systems, Inc.
Houston, Texas
(Betcha can't do this on an Apple ][, ][c, or ][e)