Re: Cloning?

Jake Messinger (
Thu, 17 Apr 1997 06:48:31 -0500 (CDT)

On Thu, 17 Apr 1997, Ing. Felipe Tribaldos wrote:

> Actually you can clone phones with a PM2E!
> You need to make a RS-232 to X100 cable.

Depends on the fone.

> Use the X100 cable to connect x number of cell phones to the PM.

Uh huh...

> You have to have a valid ESN for your area.

I thought ESN's are supposed to be unit specific. Like mac addresses.
After all, ESN stands for electronic SERIAL number.

> Then you issue the command "set all ESN" Where ESN is a valid 11 digit

This is some new option Livingston doesn't know about? "ESN"

> Electronic Serial Number. You may have to convert the ESN to hex.

You need to be converted to hex.

> Can be used to to clone 30 phones at a time. :-)

Congratulations. You have committed a federal crime and emailed to
evidence to probably 500 people. (even if it is BS). ;-)

Jake Messinger 713-772-6690
Advanced Medical Systems, Inc.
Houston, Texas
(Betcha can't do this on an Apple ][, ][c, or ][e)