Re: Cloning?

Ing. Felipe Tribaldos (
Thu, 17 Apr 1997 00:18:55 -0500 (GMT)

Actually you can clone phones with a PM2E!
You need to make a RS-232 to X100 cable.
Use the X100 cable to connect x number of cell phones to the PM.
You have to have a valid ESN for your area.
Then you issue the command "set all ESN" Where ESN is a valid 11 digit
Electronic Serial Number. You may have to convert the ESN to hex.

Can be used to to clone 30 phones at a time. :-)


> >>Once upon a time Joe Hartley shaped the electrons to say...
> >>>Isn't there a command in ComOS3.3.3 that will let me clone one port
> >>>like another? I can't find it in the 12/95 electronic version of the
> >>
> >>No, cloning is only done with PMconsole.
> >
> >>And cellular phones.
> >
> >Except Cell Phone cloning is easier!