Re: uugh, NT stuff.

Kyle Platts (
Tue, 15 Apr 97 09:58:00 -0500

>new doctor in town, here is what he wants..

>four IP's (NT box, two win95 boxes, and one for expantion), =
timeouts at say
5 minutes of inactivity, dial on demand, and anything else cool we =
think of. His NT box has a nice spiffy new Cardinal Connecta =
x2-upgradable modem tho), and all machines are on 10mbps ethernet =
to each
other. Heres the scenario..

>ethernet -
IP for his dialup: *.60
Server's ethernet IP:
Workstation 1:
Workstation 2:
Workstation 3:

>I set the internal ethernet netmask to, along =
with the
radius setup. I've currently got him doing PAP onto the PM2, but =
I am not
sure if this is correct (I know of the problems with PAP and MTUs, =
sure if it was the same with netmasks). =20

>So, I know its possable, but anyone see any problems with this? =
So far I
have been able to get one of his machines to log in (the server) =
using the
252 netmask and all. I'm going to go back in a few days and kick =
it out
completly and see how it acts.


In a nutshell, no. However, the idea will work, I have a very =
simialr setup at home right now.

First, in order for NT to route you need 2 things. You'll need the =
Steelhead Beta software to do dial on demand. You'll also need to =
give him a dial-in IP on a different subnet. NT can only route =
between different subnets.

Here is how I have mine set up at home. I have an NT 4.0 Server =
(build 1381, service pack 2, Steelhead Beta) with my modem hooked =
up and an ethernet card. My ISP gives me a dial in IP of =
xxx.yyy.zzz.140 and routes my subnet through that (block of 8 =
IP's, /29 CIDR notation). I then assigned all of the IP's to my =
devices and built my DNS entries in my NT machine. I also run WINS =
on my server. Then I set up all of the machines with the default =
gateway of my NT server's ethernet address. Then I added a static =
route of subnet to the ethernet adapter and =
pointed it to the IP of my dial in.=20

In your case, your doctor could also set up DHCP on the NT server =
and assign the IP, subnet mask and default gateway to the Win95 =
machines automatically.

Any ?'s, please reply via e-mail and we can take this off the =

Kyle Platts
!NTERPRISE Networking Services