Channelized E1 R2 Provisioning

Ing. Felipe Tribaldos (
Tue, 15 Apr 1997 12:57:53 -0500 (GMT)


I'm having problems communications with the telco.
I'm trying to order a channelized E1 with R2 signaling for
use with a PM3. I told them I needed a hunt group with
only one number for all the 30 channels.

They came back saying that an E1 was used to connect 130 customers,
and that I would have to pay for the cost of 130 phone lines!!!!
They had never heard of a way to create a hunt group with 1 number
for 30 channels over an E1.

Can someone please help me out an provide me with telcospeak terms
on how this type of service would be achieved. The switches
here are Ericsson AXE and NEC. Posibly if this is described in
a ITU-T protocol.



| Ing. Felipe Tribaldos                                                     |
| Gerente de Operaciones / Operations Manager   Tel. +(507)265-2022/269-3571|
| CyberMedia Panama                             Fax. +(507)264-6082         |
| Internet Access - Web Publishing                                          |
| url:                      email:       |
| __________________________________________________________________________|