Re: Monitoring PM Users

Sherwood Pekelo (
Mon, 14 Apr 1997 18:06:34 -1000 (HST)

On Mon, 14 Apr 1997, Adalto Silva Correia Filho wrote:

> Dear Friends,
> =09I have a PM Comunnication server and I=B4m having a little trouble=20
> using the PM Console for Windows. It simply return to me the message:=20
> Connection refused everytime I try to login through the Software. It used=
> to run when I had the Console for Sun, but since I changed my OS to AIX=
> it didn=B4t work anymore, nor in AIX, nor in Windows. Do you happen to kn=
> what=B4s going on?
> =09Second question, Is there a efficient script available that=20
> informs the users currently logged on in the Portmaster?=20

pmwho located on
pmmon located at

check digests/archives .. you probably have to set console number
higher...but, as usual, I can't remember how, so someone else will list

