Re: officerouter, netgw and pap/chap

Alexei Krivenkov (
Mon, 14 Apr 1997 11:16:41 -0400 (EDT)

On Mon, 14 Apr 1997, Volker Klau wrote:

> i have problems with an officerouter running
> ComOs 3.4.2Lc1.
I started having exactly the same problem a few days ago. Before it worked
fine. And now it works (LCP state, PAP successful) with Netopia 635
and a couple of other clients.
Livingston PortMaster PM-2e ComOS 3.5 is in my case.
> The officerouter get called by a NetGw router.
Farallon Netopia 640 calls in in my case.
> Here is a dump of the incoming call:
dump is exactly the same.
> seca> set console
> seca> set debug 0x51
> Setting debug value to 0x51
> seca> Received LCP_CONFIGURE_REQUEST on port S2 of 12 bytes containing:
> 01 f1 00 10
> 01 04 = mru 1500
> 08 00 = compression settings
> 07 02 = compression settings
> 08 02 = compression settings
> 03 04 c0 23 = netgw needs pap
> Sending LCP_CONFIGURE_NAK to port S2 of 9 bytes containing:
> 03 f1 00 09
> 03 05 c2 23 05 = officerouter says chap
does it really mean it wants chap or NAK's chap? To my knowledge
LCP_CONFIGURE_NAK should contain exactly options offered in
LCP_CONFIGURE_REQUEST (i might be wrong)? And if it NAK's chap,
why it does so - CHAp was not even offered?
the other question is why remote neither ACK's nor rejects offered
> Sending LCP_CONFIGURE_REQUEST to port S2 of 14 bytes containing:
> 01 01 00 0e
> 05 06 6b 19 bf 0f = magic number
> 03 04 c0 23 = officerouter requested pap
> Received LCP_CONFIGURE_REQUEST on port S2 of 12 bytes containing:
> 01 86 00 10
> 01 04 = same as above
> 08 00
> 07 02
> 08 02
> 03 04 c0 23 = netgw again try pap
> Sending LCP_CONFIGURE_NAK to port S2 of 9 bytes containing:
> 03 86 00 09
> 03 05 c2 23 05 = officerouter again answers chap
> Received LCP_TERMINATE_REQUEST on port S2 of 12 bytes containing:
> 05 b0 00 10
> 41 75 74 68 20 66 61 69 6c 75 72 65 = "Auth failure"
> Sending LCP_TERMINATE_ACK to port S2 of 16 bytes containing:
> 06 b0 00 10
> 41 75 74 68 20 66 61 69 6c 75 72 65 = "Auth failure"
> and click.
> The setup of the officerouter is: PAP on, CHAP off
> But why he does the chap requests ????
> Hope somebody could help me out
> Greetings,
> Volker

Alexei Krivenkov