
Jason Hatch (
Sun, 13 Apr 1997 13:18:43 -0500 (EST)

We have a customer who wants to get 2 dedicated 33.6 connections to us.
The way he wants it to work is to have him dial into us 2 times at 33.6
and have a total of 67.2kbps. Is this possibile with a portmaster or
radius? If not, does anyone have any ideas on how this can be done?


  oooooo o o  oo  o o--o  | Jason Hatch
    oo  o   o oo oo o--o  | System Administrator, B e r k s h i r e  N e t
   oo   o   o oo  o o     | email: phone: (413) 442-7805
  oooooo o o  oo  o o--o  | Intelligence: It's a cheap trick, but it works.