ServNet Listbox - (
Sat, 12 Apr 1997 15:31:32 -0700 (PDT)

On Fri, 11 Apr 1997, Joe Portman wrote:

> On Fri, 11 Apr 1997, ServNet Listbox - wrote:
> I'm going to take a WAG here. V.120 is commonly an ISDN only protocol.
> Since the call coming in is not a true ISDN call, the V.120 code doesn't
> get kicked in.

It is too an ISDN call. Have you forgotten what the 'I' stands for?

In many cases, especially when you're crossing telcos (long distance) your
B-channel speed gets dropped down to 56K anyway. But that's not the point.
V.120 "Rate Adaption" is a mechanism to translate the inherently
synchronous data stream of ISDN, whether it's 56K or 64K, with Data or
Voice bearer capability, into an asynchronous one that humans, with their
more-or-less asynchronous brain, can use.

I'd like to have some engineering comment on this, but it seems to me like
just an oversight, which I would like to see corrected, hopefully before
the production release. (pipe dream, I know.)