Re: Question about PM3

Jaime Bozza (
Sat, 12 Apr 1997 15:23:06 -0500 (CDT)

On Sat, 12 Apr 1997, Todd Nagengast - Systems Wrangler wrote:

> Are you talking about a PM3 here?

<G> See subject.

> If so, you have to do a "show all" to have it list what modem is connected
> to what serial port.
> If you do a "show mx" (x being a number) it will give you stats on the modem
> and say what serial port it's connected to. But if you do a "show sx" (x
> being a number) it doesn't show you what modem you're connected to.

Serial ports don't exist on a PM3 (Other than the console port) ... So,
that still brings me back to my question. Do the 'S' ports correspond to
CT1's "Channels?" If that's the case, if one has 2 PRI, would there never
be anyone connected to S23 or S47? (S0-S22, S24-S46 being channels 0-23
on each PRI, since the 24th channel is always a 'D' channel)

Jaime Bozza
Nucleus Communications, Inc.