Re: PM-3 and Zoom

ServNet Listbox - (
Fri, 11 Apr 1997 16:50:53 -0700 (PDT)

On Fri, 11 Apr 1997, Robert Boyle wrote:

> At 10:10 PM 4/10/97 -0500, you wrote:
> >Let me ask an open-ended question: anyone here have (and hopefully solved)
> >problems with Zoom modems and PM-3s?
> Yes and no, why do you ask? :) We have one customer with a Zoom 33.6k that
> has just recently started experiencing slow speeds, I'm not sure yet if
> they are slow connects or just slow transfers. What has you experience been?

In testing different modems, I've noticed the Zoom has an effective
throughput about 20%-30% when connecting to the PM3 over connecting to
Supras, USR Couriers, and Ascend Maxes. But every other modem I've tested
connecting to the PM3 has been fine.

Sonja Jo Krenz-Bush ServNet/Abstract Software
``Just another one of the flock following the herd.''