Port Speed and connect probs

Jon Rust (jpr@vcnet.com)
Fri, 11 Apr 1997 17:04:44 -0700

Some of my customers on Windows95 were having problems connecting to the
PM3's I installed a while back. At first, I just attributed it to modem
incompatabilities. But then our Windows tech guy suggested it could be
because we had instructed most of our users to set a port speed of 115200
for their connection. So we asked them to bump their PS back to 57600, and
the problem is gone. Maybe this will help out someone else...

The part that gets me is, those same customers could dial into my
MP/16-PM2e/30 combo with a PS 115200 no problemo. Strange.

PowerMac users can connect with a PS of 115200 with no probs on either the
MP/16's or the PM-3.
