Re: Fighting NYNEX Prices, the PM2/BRI Approach

Sherwood Pekelo (
Fri, 11 Apr 1997 07:14:14 -1000 (HST)

On Fri, 11 Apr 1997, Jack Kilday wrote:

> PM2/BRI Alternative
> -------------------
> Price per port: Current street for PM2e-30, $2000/30 = $67
> US Robotics ISDN I-modem = 290
> Per Port NYNEX Install: ISDN BRI 141
> ---
> Total One-Time cost per port: $498
> Monthly NYNEX Cost per port: ISDN BRI = $56 (no measured service
> charge when hosting calls)

Who said Livingston couldn't support X2... ;) at least not directly...

is the price for the PM2e-30 new or used? If new, could I have contact

This seems to be a viable alternative, and also helps to maintain
customers with non-standards modems... or does it? Does the I-modem
support V.FC?

