Re: A Dummy question about PM3s

Sherwood Pekelo (
Fri, 11 Apr 1997 06:48:17 -1000 (HST)

On Fri, 11 Apr 1997, Joe Hartley wrote:

> o> Per channel per call. Your PRI signals to the PM3 whether the call is a
> > analog call or a digital call. The PM3 either answers it as a ISDN call or a
> > analog call (if you have modem cards).
> >
> > So if you have 2 8-modem cards you could have 16 analog calls and 7 ISDN
> > calls all running at the same time. Or you could have 23 ISDN calls. Just
> > remember that the number of 8-modem cards you have is the highest number of
> > analog calls you can have.
> Whew! That was how I thought it worked. Gotta stop reading this list before
> I'm fully caffienated!


Okay!!! ENOUGH!!!!

All on the list! If you have a question regarding the PM3 or HAD a
question regarding the PM3, please cc me the question or e-mail directly.
I will compile this list and hopefully with the help of support have
simple answers, which can then be refered to universally.

Also, if you have had a question answered I would like the question and
the answer..

Information that will also be usable: Provisioning keywords for different

I have the setup for either a DMS100 or GTD5 with GTE PRI ... T1/cT1 was
too expensive here, other locations may vary and it would be nice to have
this information available all.

Otherwise, have a nice weekend! I will... ;)

