Corrupt COMOS, cant reflash

Jake (
Thu, 10 Apr 1997 11:28:58 -0500 (CDT)

I am having problems reflashing a corrupt COM-OS.

The machine gave me junk at loading COM-OS so I flip switch 2 up and
reboot, it rarps, i escape enter an address and tftp boot off a generic
3.3.2 com-os.

The problem is, I am now trying to reflash it but no machines on my
network can find it even tho I just netbooted it!

I have already type set register 0xffff 0x0f63
ifconfig ether0 address

The ip address of my server is and they are in the same
class C.

Weird thing...

DURING netboot, I can ping the pm box for a short time. about 10 pings get
thru, then it stops pinging. Its as if the ip address is changing, but I
then use ifconfig to change it back, to no avail!

Any suggestions?

Jake Messinger 713-772-6690
Advanced Medical Systems, Inc.
Houston, Texas
(Betcha can't do this on an Apple ][, ][c, or ][e)