Re: Editing the MIB on PM2ER-30

Jeffrey F. Lawhorn (
Thu, 10 Apr 1997 08:21:04 -0700

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

In message <Pine.SUN.3.91.970410080541.27983S-100000@kc>, Andy Doolittle said:
>On Sun, 6 Apr 1997, Stephen Fisher wrote:
>> *bang head against wall* I never noticed that it didn't even give an
>> interface speed.. I wonder when Livingston is going to beef up the SNMP
>> support? I remember a while back they hired someone to do just that.
>We did. Unfortunately, he's an ex rugby player and accidentally
>implemented an SMTP daemon in the ComOS instead. We thumped him aside
>the head a few times, and now he's going down the right path (we think

Please tell us he also implemented some anti-spamming features in his SMTP
daemon. I hate to think about how many spam relays would be opened up if he



Jeffrey F. Lawhorn                       |Internet Connectivity starting
Software Design Associates, Inc.         |at under $20/month. Specialists       619-679-5900 voice |in integrating CGI and database 619-679-2327 fax   |applications.
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