Re: win95 dns problem

Marc Powell (
Thu, 10 Apr 97 09:55:46 -0500

On 4/10/97 8:37 AM, Herbert, Maurice A. 301-594-4550x139 fax 594-4585
sent these words of wisdom:

>portmaster _can_ specify links to machine names. This points to
>something in the first user's setup, but he insists he has the dns
>addresses set in dial up networking. Ideas?

There is a 95% probability that he has DNS settings under TCP/IP
properties in his Network control panel that are overriding the settings
in the DUN connection. DNS should be completely disabled there unless
they are on a LAN that has it's own DNS. In that case, you need to
include your DNS addresses there as well (I typically interleave the two
and it seems to work well).

Marc Powell
Technical Support
321.9100 x236

"All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream." - Edgar Allen Poe (1809-1849)