Re: PM2e-30

John Storms ((no email))
Thu, 10 Apr 1997 07:55:20 -0700 (PDT)

> We have a PM2e-30 with ZOOM 33.6k modems.
> We authenticate users with a Linux box running 2.0.29 and using RADIUS.
> Occassionally we have a problem with users getting premature disconnects.
> Checking the RADIUS logs shows that the user requests disconnect.
> I know this is not the case because, under test runs, we have periodically
> gotten disconnected while waiting for the requested page to come up.
> These disconnects usually occur within 5 minutes after login.
> I have gone through the configuration settings and everything seems to be
> correct.
> I am to the point where I have attributed this to poor quality dial-in
> lines.
> Does anyone else have a suggestion?

On your PortMaster do a 'set console', and a 'set debug term on'. This will display to the session the terminate reason whenever a session is dropped or drops.

If people are getting dropped off after 5min check the flow control on your ports and on your user's profile. Lack of flow control or Xon/Xoff flow control can result in CRC errors (Data in the frames is incorrect) enougph CRC errors could result in a disconnect. Make sure that everything is set for hardware flow control (RTS/CTS).
