Re: Announcement of assigned address pool via OSPF (fwd)

Brian Moore (
Wed, 9 Apr 1997 23:33:58 -0700 (PDT)

I've asked the same thing, and it seems the logical thing to return.

I would think that if a PM has 30 IP's in it's assigned pool, it should
return no route when one of those IP's is not in use. It's current
behavior of passing it to it's own gateway router is weird and only
makes sense for things in the assigned pool (it's valid behavior for
IP's assigned via RADIUS, say, like static IP's for some customers).

And, no, it's not just you.

On Thu, 10 Apr 1997, Mike Horwath wrote:

> > Once upon a time, MegaZone wrote
> > > No, the behavior is deliberate and will not be changed. This was covered,
> > > please check the archives since it was a complex issue with a lot of
> > > explanation.
> > >
> > > You do NOT want what you are asking with OSPF - it will make your network
> > > crawl as OSPF recalculates every time someone comes on or leaves.
> >
> > Did you ever find anything out about a PM3 sending data for
> > not-connected IPs from the pool to the default gateway instead of
> > swallowing them? I still get tons of ICMP redirects from my router
> > whenever anyone disconnects accidentally or anything like that.
> I haven't finished reading this thread yet...
> But, if the IP is not in use on the portmaster, why can't the
> portmaster then just return no route to host?
> Wouldn't that be easiest?
> If you say it already does that, then I must be pretty messed up cause
> it doesn't work for me.