Re: a little help now and a lot soon?

David Davies (
Wed, 9 Apr 1997 11:10:21 -0400

> since my 3s dont arrive until tomorrow, im guessing that the 2048
> dictionary code should help and hopefully there are other changes in beta
> that could help...
> im looking forward to the experience...
> as a side note... has anyone with problems thrown a t-bird or whatever
> needs to be used for diag on the PRI or CT1's to make sure that they are
> getting what they should from their telcos?

Yep, I've tested our lines myself and we have as good a relationship with
TELCO as possible I guess. Our lines are PRI's running into PM3's with the
b8 code. We originally had channelized T's installed. After the
Channelized was installed we found the dreaded D_A_D conversion in place so
we ran PRI's to replace them. Believe it or not TELCO ate the installation
of the channelized and gave us as much again off of the PRI install.

Our PRI's are clean 1.5 throughput on both and ISDN Users are running
smooth. Our analog users are seeing more stable connections and a bit
faster but the PM2's with sporty's and miles of cable had been faster.
Since you can't use a T-bird on a PRI I tested with an "acquired, borrowed,
found, whatever" ISDN module same as TELCO uses. We're 100% clean as far
as the lines are concerned. Even with all that we like the 3's. Just
waiting patiently for this modem code if that's the fix we need.

David Davies
Director, Internet Services
Buckeye Internet Services, Ltd.
"Around the World, through the modem, over the T-1 lines, past the NAP,
nothing but Net...."