Re: PM3's and disconnects.

Beth Montes (
Tue, 8 Apr 1997 21:05:18 -0500

At 07:58 PM 4/8/97 -0500, you wrote:
>Ok, we've solved our 14.4K problem (Modem needed a hardware reset, and now
>it works just fine) ... But since today is our first official day running
>with our PM3, we've had several disconnection problems. Looking at the
>logs, customers that haven't ever had a problem now get disconnected.
>Reason in the RADIUS logs is "Lost Carrier" ...
>Is this just me? Not everyone is having the problem (at least, we haven't
>been getting calls from everyone. Just a few people) but there are enough
>that it's going to hurt our business. The only thing in common so far is
>that the customers getting dropped off are having constant send and
>receives. They seem to get dropped off more often with activity that is
>more interactive in nature (net games, video conferencing, etc) ... Is
>this V.42bis problems creeping up on us again?
>I'm going to be calling Livingston tomorrow, but I figured I'd drop a
>message here first.
>Jaime Bozza
>Nucleus Communications, Inc.

We have similar problems -- disconnects that show lost carrier, people
who can't successfully negotiate a connection, slower-than-analog file
transfer (*not* looking at initial connect speed here, we're talking actual
file transfer speed). We have both a USR TC hub and an Ascend Max
on the way, and hope that they will work for us. Our PM3 has been in
service about 3 weeks, we've had a support incident open for most of
that time, and have worked extensively with the telco testing our T1's.
We're at our wits end. I'm puzzled that others seem to be able to use
PM3's and think they're great. Maybe they're using PRI and it works
better? We're running channelized T1 with AMI, D4, and E&M wink start.
ComOS is 3.5.1b11. Upgrading from b8 to b11 didn't help at all.

The PM3 is hurting my business. I'd guess we have problems with
20% of our users at one POP, which is nearly 300 people. They could
connect very successfully (33.6 connects not uncommon) to our
USR MP's. The saving grace is that we still have 144 analog lines at
this POP, and we can slide by with them until this is resolved. But
it sucks for those users who roll over to the PM3.... and it sucks for
our tech support people.

I've been told by Livingston this is not a pervasive problem. Looking
at posts to this list for the last couple of days, I'm not sure I believe
that. It might help if everyone who's seeing these problems would
open a tech support case. If you're told they aren't aware of these
problems, feel free to refer to my open ticket # 034245. (Raymond,
I'm sure you'll get a copy of this. I believe you've done all you can,
and am happy with all the time you've spent trying to help. But this
appears to be an engineering problem, and I hope additional tech
support incidents will get it some attention.)


Beth Montes I-Land Internet Services
vx: 816-827-5111 x21 Sedalia, MO