Re: Pipeline problem is resolved (fwd)

Steven P. Crain (
Tue, 8 Apr 1997 16:08:21 -0400 (EDT)

On Thu, 3 Apr 1997, MegaZone wrote:

> Once upon a time Howard Leadmon shaped the electrons to say...
> >I really like the OR-U, just a shame they don't make one with the two
> >analog POTS lines included. For that reason alone I keep my P75..
> We're looking at putting POTS on the OR-ISDN - but just one POTS port.
> >On a side note I though Livingston was going to support BACP, guess that
> >must have fallen by the wayside as I know telling the P75 to use BACP
> >dosen't work with the PM3..
> We were/are considering it. But it has been in extremely low demand, so
> it never gets scheduled.


That's the only reason we have any Ascend units. Most of our biggest
customers have P50s, and to keep them working we have to keep Ascend
equipment for them to dial into. Once the PM3 supports BACP, "Bye-bye
nasty old Ascends. Bye-bye buggy code." It will be a dream come true!

Steven P. Crain
Shore.Net Unix Development and Administration
An ISP with Excellence in the Greater Boston Area.