Re: Port stuck in USERNAME

Per Hedeland (
8 Apr 1997 19:54:29 GMT

James Blanding wrote:
> an immediate fix is:
> 1) attach to the port
> 2) issue "+++" and wait for OK (put the modem in command mode)
>[ deleted ]

Hmm, I always disable the +++ escape on modems connected to the PM as a
matter of course. Otherwise, at least with the modems we use, if a user
does the +++ thing at his end while e.g. at the login: prompt, the user's
modem sends it straight through (and *then* goes into command mode), and
as it arrives at the PM, the PM dutifully echoes it back to the modem at
that end... - and voila, the PM modem is incommunicado until manually
reset. In fact this might actually be a *reason* that ports end up in
USERNAME state (never happens to us, but that isn't conclusive - we're
not an ISP:-).

YMMV, etc.

--Per Hedeland