Re: Pipeline problem is resolved (fwd)

MegaZone (
Thu, 3 Apr 1997 21:14:40 -0800 (PST)

Once upon a time Howard Leadmon shaped the electrons to say...
>I really like the OR-U, just a shame they don't make one with the two
>analog POTS lines included. For that reason alone I keep my P75..

We're looking at putting POTS on the OR-ISDN - but just one POTS port.

>On a side note I though Livingston was going to support BACP, guess that
>must have fallen by the wayside as I know telling the P75 to use BACP
>dosen't work with the PM3..

We were/are considering it. But it has been in extremely low demand, so
it never gets scheduled.


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