Re: Modem problems and PM3.

Stephen Fisher (
Tue, 8 Apr 1997 07:12:25 -0600 (MDT)

Um.. These kind of reports still give me the impression that the PM3 isn't
ready for full time use. I sure hope that we don't have to go through
this for months on end when Livingston changes to the Lucent code.

On Tue, 8 Apr 1997, Purple wrote:

> We have the same problem and have been chasing it for over a month
> probably two and no joy. We have a growing list of users who can't
> connect and its getting embarrassing. You might be interested to know
> that one of the modems appears to work fine from another location in the
> country ?!
> Originally they said they were aware of a problem but then the 3.5c6 was
> supposed to fix it... I guess that tells you how long I've been looking
> for an answer. Also this has cropped up on the mailing list a few times
> and apparently been ignored, lets hope it doesn't continue in this way.
> Let me know if you get anywhere and I'll pass on any information I get.