PMMON work great

Dax Kelson (
Tue, 8 Apr 1997 08:57:42 -0600 (MDT)

We have been using PMMON since Sept. It works with our PM3s perfectly as
well as our USR NetServer 16s. PMMON has paid for itself over and over

We use it in the following ways:

1. Great for the tech support guys to see who is logged on where
2. Stops multiple logins
3. PMMON lets our Bus Accnts have 2 simul logins from 6am-6pm and 1
5. Configurable rules (max time,idle time, etc)for different "types" of
6. Keeps track of busy signals
7. Generates graphs and stats of our modem pool usage (our average call
lasts 30.21 mins)
8. Keeps track of all our POPs from one web page

We've found that by using PMMON we were able to use our modem pool much
more efficiently and keep track of that 3% of our users that use 15% of
our resources.

PMMON is definately worth the price, helps us get more bang for the buck
out of our equipment.

Dax Kelson
Internet Connect, Inc.