Re: Modem problems and PM3.

Purple (
Tue, 08 Apr 1997 10:06:03 +0100


We have the same problem and have been chasing it for over a month probably two and no joy. We have a growing list of users who can't connect and its getting embarrassing. You might be interested to know that one of the modems appears to work fine from another location in the country ?!

Originally they said they were aware of a problem but then the 3.5c6 was supposed to fix it... I guess that tells you how long I've been looking for an answer. Also this has cropped up on the mailing list a few times and apparently been ignored, lets hope it doesn't continue in this way.

Let me know if you get anywhere and I'll pass on any information I get.


PS we tried most settings on the modem: speed, compression, error correction but to no avail.

> OK ... I know someone has asked this, but I couldn't seem to find an
> answer for it... We have a customer with a Sportster 14.4K modem that can
> never seem to connect to the PM3. It just sits there and tries to connect
> forever. <G>
> Anyone have any ideas on what we can try disabling to make it work?
> (Disabling on the Sportster that is)
> Jaime Bozza
> Nucleus Communications, Inc.