Re: Multi-Tech CommPlete vs. PM3?

Adrian J Bool (
Tue, 8 Apr 1997 08:44:33 +0100 (BST)

On Mon, 7 Apr 1997, Richard Yoo wrote:

> At 04:27 PM 4/7/97 -0600, Stephen Fisher wrote:
> >Agreed, Livingston is going around making promises about this 56k stuff
> >becuase they're not that stupid :-)
> Or, maybe they are stupid. It's a gamble... if Multi-Tech looses and
> finds out that they need new chips then the loose some money... big deal,
> but they got a huge portion of the market that was afraid to invest in
> 56k-type technology because of the unforeseen future -- those new clients
> may be worth lots more.

Oh, that's terrible. Livingston are for free swapping out all exiting the
PM3 modems in exchange for Lucent devices in order or to allow you 56K
connects for no charge.

Is that not an investment in the technology? Ok, they have not
*guarented* a free upgrade to the ITU standard - thay have already gone
for a swap out - they probably can't afford to do that again. I'd reckon
that they are 98% sure that the new DSPs will be able to handle anything
the ITU throws at them - but due to that last 2% of doubt they can't
