Re: Multi-Tech CommPlete vs. PM3?

Stephen Fisher (
Mon, 7 Apr 1997 16:27:45 -0600 (MDT)

On Mon, 7 Apr 1997, Joe Sasek wrote:

> If this is true it is absolutely irresponsible! Multitech will be using
> the exact same Lucent solution as Livingston. The software upgrade path
> will as a result be _identical_! It is Lucent's announced intention to
> provide the ultimate standard for free, but at this stage of the game
> (and with the ITU being the ultimate wildcard) it is _impossible_ for
> _anyone_ to "guarantee".

Agreed, Livingston is going around making promises about this 56k stuff
becuase they're not that stupid :-)

> You may be overlooking the most important detail of all here? How many
> ISP's use Multitech SW for communications server/routing functionality?
> To my knowledge _none_. Livingston has been dealing in the ISP arena for
> over 5 years now and (thanks to ISP's) produce a ComOS that reflects the
> feature richness and reliability that ISP's _demand_!

Yeah, but now everyone is under cutting the PM3 prices it seems. (I know,
they're lower quality most likely, as well, just commenting on prices).

- Steve
- Systems Manager
- Community Internet Access, Inc.
- Gallup and Grants, New Mexico