Re: Multi-Tech CommPlete vs. PM3?

Joe Sasek (
Mon, 07 Apr 1997 08:57:31 -0700

At 10:26 AM 4/7/97 -0500, Richard Yoo wrote:
>At 05:13 PM 4/7/97 +0200, Christophe Prevotaux wrote:
>>Yes the prices on portmaster 3 and Modem Cards is very expensive
>>But why are you saying the upgrade is Free on Multitech hardware isn't it
>>on Livingston Portmaster 3 ?
>No, Livingston nor Ascend have made any promises that the ITU-T 56k upgrade
>will be free... They have only promised the Lucent/Rockwell versions...
>Multi-Tech has promised that the Lucent/Rockwell AND the ITU-T 56k will be

If this is true it is absolutely irresponsible! Multitech will be using the
exact same Lucent solution as Livingston. The software upgrade path will as
a result be _identical_! It is Lucent's announced intention to provide the
ultimate standard for free, but at this stage of the game (and with the ITU
being the ultimate wildcard) it is _impossible_ for _anyone_ to "guarantee".

You may be overlooking the most important detail of all here? How many
ISP's use Multitech SW for communications server/routing functionality? To
my knowledge _none_. Livingston has been dealing in the ISP arena for over
5 years now and (thanks to ISP's) produce a ComOS that reflects the feature
richness and reliability that ISP's _demand_!




>-Richard > > > ___________________________________________________________ Livingston Enterprises 4464 Willow Road Joe Sasek Pleasanton, CA 94588-8519 V.P of Sales & Marketing (510)737-2100 (Voice) (510) 426-8951 (Fax) Email ___________________________________________________________