Re: Multi-Tech CommPlete vs. PM3?

Richard Yoo (
Mon, 07 Apr 1997 11:07:01 -0500

At 08:57 AM 4/7/97 -0700, you wrote:
>If this is true it is absolutely irresponsible! Multitech will be using the
>exact same Lucent solution as Livingston. The software upgrade path will as
>a result be _identical_! It is Lucent's announced intention to provide the
>ultimate standard for free, but at this stage of the game (and with the ITU
>being the ultimate wildcard) it is _impossible_ for _anyone_ to "guarantee".

Ya, but it says here *in writing* (on paper) -- "... with immediate free
upgrades to Lucent/Rockwell's K56flex(tm) and guaranteed free upgrades to
the final ITU standard when it is adopted ..."

>You may be overlooking the most important detail of all here? How many
>ISP's use Multitech SW for communications server/routing functionality? To
>my knowledge _none_. Livingston has been dealing in the ISP arena for over
>5 years now and (thanks to ISP's) produce a ComOS that reflects the feature
>richness and reliability that ISP's _demand_!

Eh... well it also says here "... we're backing CommPlete with a
_100%_money_back_guarantee_. You risk nothing ..." and I would have to
agree, I really don't risk anything to try it... shit, if it works out
great... if not, we just ship it back... no skin off my back.... although
someone is bound to say that I will loose customers due to frustration,
yadda-yadda... but that's only if it doesn't work... if it *does* work...
well... <grin>