Re: PM3 setup page for GTE (and other PM3 issues)

Jeffrey J. Mountin (
Sun, 06 Apr 1997 05:22:42 -0500

At 10:47 PM 4/5/97 -1000, Sherwood Pekelo wrote:
>It's a lot hokey, but it was 3am when I started to transcribe notes...
>not to mention, there was a mix up regarding provisioning the PRI lines...
>but I have an alpha page up at:
> <>

Yikes! My name on a page? And things are incomplete under my name.


Blame prevention.<jk> ;-)

>Please correct mistakes, make suggestions, give me permission to use
>Livingston graphincs... ;)

Uh, yeah. I didn't post everything I do and the last thing I did was to
enable ospf, but no area is set, et all, so:

Network a.b.c.X is your local network and a.b.e.X is another /24 you are
using for dial-up.

set ether0 routing listen
(This presumes that OSPF will be used)

add ospf area
set ospf area range a.b.e.0/24 quiet

set ether0 ospf on
reset ospf
(or just reboot after you are done)

(don't foget to configure the router!)

set assigned a.b.e.2 (1st)
set assigned a.b.e.50 (2nd)
set assigned a.b.e.98 (3rd)
set assigned a.b.e.146 (4th)
set assigned a.b.e.194 (5th)
set pool-size 48
(46 if you have PRI)

(I don't mind using the "network" and "broadcast" addresses.
This config means 6 routes per PM3, but if you start at .1
there will be one more route.
Also this means you have 14 IPs that can be used for static
IP accounts)

(This is for CT1, as don't have PRI yet)

set Line0 inband
set Line0 signaling wink
set Line0 framing esf
set Line0 encode b8zs

set Line1 inband
set Line1 signaling wink
set Line1 framing esf
set Line1 encode b8zs
save all

Some other things:

set all security on

set secret fubar

set s0 routing off
set s1 routing off
... et all
(I presume OSPF, but even with RIP this OK)

set s0 compress off
set s1 compress off
... et all
(head compression, according to religon, er preference)

I assume DNS and authentication on the same server (not a good idea
depending on overal setup), but do not address accounting.

We don't have any users that CHAP and all connections are PPP, so there is
no "Default Host" entry.

Name service is NIS, don't like the shown and I feel
that the IP is sufficient.

No IPX or SNMP (for now), so disabled.

Plenty of other things that people use/change like login message, login
prompt, and so on.

>I also welcome any other PM3 setup information, like who you ordered the
>service from, how you provisioned the lines, and the setup for the PM3 in
>that situation.
>Additionally, since the PM3 is new for our users, I'm also starting to
>compile technical questions regarding getting better connections.

At least one does not have to configure modems.

>One note that I received tonight, from a user, was that turning OFF
>hardware flow, improved his connection! This was a $50 33.6K
>modem Infotel with the Rockwell chipset.

Odd. Wonder if someone can explain this one.

>He now gets 28.8K connect rates, has been on-line continuously for 2
>hours+, and says that transfer rates seem to have improved.

One thing that I just verified. To verify that we were still hunting from
analog to digital, I call the list number on the analog hunt, which is
busied out, waited for the tone, and hung up.

Apr 6 04:58:12 pm3-1 portmaster: port S0 terminated - Lost Carrier

Now I have to rewrite my scripts so that "Lost Carrier" with no "succeeded"
before them for the port need to be discarded.

The other odd thing is that there are other Lost Carriers, but some are
*after* a normal request, but the times I say this on the PM2 logs were
always within seconds and I presume that the remote end did't wait for the

Mar 31 21:44:26 pm3-1 portmaster: port S1 terminated - User Request - PPP
Term Req
Mar 31 21:45:25 pm3-1 portmaster: port S1 terminated - Lost Carrier

Here's another odd one:

Mar 31 21:46:06 pm3-1 dialnet: port S24 jjddoo succeeded dest
Mar 31 21:46:15 pm3-1 dialnet: port S24 connection succeeded dest
Mar 31 21:46:22 pm3-1 dialnet: port S24 session disconnected dest
Mar 31 21:46:22 pm3-1 portmaster: port S24 terminated - User Request -
Normal Modem Disconnect

Rather short time I'd say, but wonder what is the difference between "PPP
Term Req" and the above.

One other oddity I have seen with the PM2, but never mentioned, are
sometimes you see:

Mar 31 21:46:06 pm3-1 dialnet: port S24 jjddoo succeeded dest
Mar 31 21:46:15 pm3-1 dialnet: port S24 connection succeeded dest
Mar 31 21:46:22 pm3-1 dialnet: port S24 session disconnected dest
Mar 31 21:46:22 pm3-1 portmaster: port S24 terminated - User Request -
Normal Modem Disconnect

Mar 31 21:47:21 pm3-1 dialnet: port S1 jjddoo succeeded dest
Mar 31 21:47:32 pm3-1 dialnet: port S1 connection succeeded dest
Mar 31 21:47:35 pm3-1 dialnet: port S1 session disconnected dest
Mar 31 21:47:35 pm3-1 portmaster: port S1 terminated - User Request - PPP
Term Req

Mar 31 21:48:31 pm3-1 dialnet: port S24 jjddoo succeeded dest
Mar 31 21:48:40 pm3-1 dialnet: port S24 connection succeeded dest
Mar 31 21:50:22 pm3-1 portmaster: port S1 terminated - Lost Carrier

Mar 31 21:50:48 pm3-1 dialnet: port S1 PPP succeeded dest Negotiated
Mar 31 21:50:50 pm3-1 dialnet: port S1 ddaann succeeded dest
Mar 31 21:50:50 pm3-1 dialnet: port S1 connection succeeded dest

By far more show the PPP line, but it seems that the ones that do not are
not lasting long, at least for what I have seen and I need to call jjddoo
(neophyte, but great TCG tech :).

IMHO, the "connection succeeded" line is useless, as is the PPP (unless it
points to a problem with the connection if not present) and this adds a lot
to the logfile, which I am sure many could do without.

Or are these log entries for certain phases of the negotiations?

Jeff Mountin - System/Network Administrator

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