Re: saving configs

Jeffrey J. Mountin (
Sun, 06 Apr 1997 05:24:26 -0500

At 11:50 PM 3/30/97 -0800, Carl Rigney wrote:
>I don't know how many people spotted it in the 3.5 release notes, but
>there is a way now to syslog all commands as they're given. A bit of
>cleanup on the syslog file, and you have your command script!
>Obviously, that's not as good as being able to do a tftp put after the
>fact (and we're aware how keenly that's desired), but its certainly
>very useful when trying to track down what changed last. To use it, do
>set loghost <host to log to>
>set syslog commands (or whatever facility you like)

I must say the ability to set syslog was something I greatly enjoyed and
useful, as I am logging the PM3 units to a different log. Never tried the
commands, but should add it for an addition security check in addition to
the filters that only allow telnets locally.

Never saw an RFE for it, but do appreicate it.

Jeff Mountin - System/Network Administrator

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