PM3 setup page for GTE

Sherwood Pekelo (
Sat, 5 Apr 1997 22:47:49 -1000 (HST)


It's a lot hokey, but it was 3am when I started to transcribe notes...
not to mention, there was a mix up regarding provisioning the PRI lines...
but I have an alpha page up at:


Please correct mistakes, make suggestions, give me permission to use
Livingston graphincs... ;)

I also welcome any other PM3 setup information, like who you ordered the
service from, how you provisioned the lines, and the setup for the PM3 in
that situation.

Additionally, since the PM3 is new for our users, I'm also starting to
compile technical questions regarding getting better connections.

One note that I received tonight, from a user, was that turning OFF
hardware flow, improved his connection! This was a $50 33.6K
modem Infotel with the Rockwell chipset.

He now gets 28.8K connect rates, has been on-line continuously for 2
hours+, and says that transfer rates seem to have improved.

