Re: Fw: Mirror sites, PLEASE!

Jeffrey J. Mountin (
Sun, 06 Apr 1997 03:29:52 -0500

At 04:19 PM 4/5/97 -0800, Philip Thomas wrote:
>I agree, it took me 6 hours on our 8 t-1 lines to download a copy of
>pmconsole last week. Go figure? Phil

Typically I get 40-80K downloads.

It might not be Livingston, as I've seen several major problems at the
Chicago NAP and have heard of others both at MAE east and west. Last
weekend Agis and Sprint were problematic. Agis had problems and Sprint
made some "improvements" that caused a bunch of flapping. AFAIK, MCI is
still a problem and I just wish everyone else would stop peering with them
till the other DS3 comes up or the OC3. Outbound from here is OK, but
inbound that comes over MCI in Chicago is horrid. Yeah, 622 Mb backbone.
Hah! Golly gee, we have a 200 Mb backbone, about 8 inches worth!

Hats off to our 2 providers for keep me up, but then I have come close to
saying "what's up" and then I get a network status update. Gotta love it.

Is it just me or is everyone seeing minor problems/meltdowns?

I do have to say that LV's website does get a bit slow at times, but I
still get at least 20K transfers when this is happening.

Hey MZ! Care to share what you are running for the web server?

Jeff Mountin - System/Network Administrator

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