Re: Saving configs

Jeffrey J. Mountin (
Sun, 06 Apr 1997 03:48:55 -0500

At 10:10 AM 4/5/97 -0600, Jeff T. Carneal wrote:
>Seems to me this would be a trivial expect script. I know it would be
>nice to have it in the ComOS, but in the interim write a script that asks
>for the variables, then telnets to your box and sets a particular (or all)
>ports up with the above commands (or whatever else you want). Trust me,
>this would be *really* simple even if you've never SEEN expect.

True and this has been RFE'd several times, along with others.

Having a program that could get the config (all settings), save it in plain
text, which you could edit and push to another PM would be great.

Even though it would only save me a few telnets and pastes, I'd use it.

No offense to Sherwood, but it did seem that the original question had a
very obvious workaround, but then by typing out the config I implied that
you type out what *you* need to and save it as a file, but did say copy to
a telnet.

If tftp worked both ways, it would help, but then there are plenty of
setting that need to be changed. At least they are global.

Certainly some elegance to a solution would be nice. 8-)

Jeff Mountin - System/Network Administrator

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