Re: USR Sportsters and PM3

Brian Elfert (
Sat, 5 Apr 1997 14:31:17 -0600 (CST)

On Fri, 4 Apr 1997, Beth Montes wrote:

> David, we are having exactly the same problem. In addition, we see
> all our users getting across-the-board slower connections than on our
> analog USR MP's.
> Open a tech support case with Livingston, ask for the upgrade to
> ComOS 3.5.1b11 (not in open beta release yet). It's supposed to fix
> some of the bugs in 3.5.1b8, but it didn't help us. I'd be very
> interested in knowing if it helps you. I believe Livingston is aware
> of these problems, and is working on a fix, but we're unable to pin
> them down on *exactly* what the problems are, what is supposed
> to be fixed in 3.5.1b11, and when we may see a real, working fix
> to all our problems. If you get any definite info, please email me.

Have you plugged these same CT1 or PRI lines in another vendor's
equipment, and seen better connect rates?

It is fairly well known that improperly provisioned digital lines on the
telco side can cause lower connect speeds.

It could also be that your POTS line come from one switch/CO, and your
digital lines come from another switch/CO which deosn't produce as good of
connect speeds.

I know in my case that anything digital I order comes from a different
switch than my POTS lines do.

Others have shown session listings from PM3s that show pretty much every
session at 28.8 or 31.2.
