Re: USR Sportsters and PM3

Jaime Bozza (
Sat, 5 Apr 1997 14:57:21 -0600 (CST)

On Sat, 5 Apr 1997, Brian Elfert wrote:

> It is fairly well known that improperly provisioned digital lines on the
> telco side can cause lower connect speeds.
> It could also be that your POTS line come from one switch/CO, and your
> digital lines come from another switch/CO which deosn't produce as good of
> connect speeds.
> I know in my case that anything digital I order comes from a different
> switch than my POTS lines do.
> Others have shown session listings from PM3s that show pretty much every
> session at 28.8 or 31.2.

We haven't had a problem with connect speeds. I've seen 33.6K connects,
with the lowest connect (28.8 based) at 26.4K ... In fact, many of our
customers have noticed an improvement in transfer speeds.

The issue we have is latency. The latency with the PM3 is higher in any
test that I've done, no matter what I do. And some of our customers

I can only hope that Livingston is looking into this issue, though I
didn't get much of a response when I wrote my E-Mail. <G> (Other than
that my T1's must be provisioned incorrectly, which is not the case. I've
already verified that.)

Jaime Bozza
Nucleus Communications, Inc.