Re: USR Lowers Pricing (fwd)

Jeffrey J. Mountin (
Fri, 04 Apr 1997 20:43:47 -0600

At 04:49 PM 4/4/97 -0800, MegaZone wrote:
>Once upon a time Kevin Smith shaped the electrons to say...
>>Really, then who is buying all of our TNTs ??
>A small market segment - you can't deny that.
>A lot of the same people who are asking us to build a megapop box actually.

I'm not sure I would like it. Now if the unit has an ATM DS3 card, 100bT
full duplex, HDLC, and command line history/editing I'd consider it, but
then I will be in the market for a 720x soon.

Don't think I'd like dial-up and the core router in one box.

>I didn't say there was no market, just that most ISPs aren't in that
>Not many ISPs have need for 672 lines in one box.

Makes me think about eggs and baskets. ;-)


14 * 16,364 = 229,096

I believe that UUNET is paying around 350K per unit? Only 52% more!

Or course 49" vertical rack space vs 14" and my thought on that is if you
can afford that much equipment, you can afford the space.

Jeff Mountin - System/Network Administrator

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