RADIUS question.

Warren Vanichuk (pyber@prcn.org)
Fri, 4 Apr 1997 18:41:41 -0800 (PST)

Is the following valid for a RADIUS entry? (Livingston's RADIUS server v2.0:)

Access-Reject = "[ACCOUNT DISABLED] Please contact the PRCN Office",

The result being the Access-Reject is sent back to the PM, which takes the
reason for rejection, and passes it along to the user..

I'm trying to figure out a way to give the user more information when they
are being denied, rather than just a "Login incorrect" message. (Atleast
when they are being denied for real reasons, not just when they screw up
their user/pass pair.. :)

Thanks in advance.

Aluve, Warren
____ ____ ____ _ _ ____________________________________________________
| _ \| _ \ / ___| \ | | Warren Vanichuk, Systems Administrator,
| |_) | |_) | | | \| | Powell River Community Network, http://www.prcn.org,
| __/| _ <| |___| |\ | Powell River, British Columbia, Canada
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