Re: Saving configs (was: Re: High Latency...)

Sherwood Pekelo (
Fri, 4 Apr 1997 16:42:34 -1000 (HST)

On Fri, 4 Apr 1997, Jeffrey J. Mountin wrote:

> At 06:55 AM 3/30/97 -0700, Joel M Snyder wrote:
> >> Of course you can type out the config for one, save it as a text file, and
> >> copy it to a telnet window.
> >
> >Not in Livingston-land you can't.
> Really? Did it today and it works just fine.
> Some telnet programs won't allow you to do this ie ProComm, but NetTerm
> works just fine. Been doing this for a couple years now.
> I am talking about a text file with the commands that you need to type, as
> you add/delete/modify you update the file. Just to be clear.

*ding* (light goes on)

Jeff, could you post a sample deleting/changing the appropriate
information, such as password.

I don't have to use it yet...but when we start growing faster I can see
where this will be very useful and I'm sure quite a few people here would
love to reduce their workload...


Just a passing thought, but I must commend all on this list for their
professionalism and general upbeat tone. Seldom does one see such
comraderie and assistance in such a competitive business.

