Re: Saving configs (was: Re: High Latency...)

Jeffrey J. Mountin (
Fri, 04 Apr 1997 20:05:00 -0600

At 06:55 AM 3/30/97 -0700, Joel M Snyder wrote:
>> Of course you can type out the config for one, save it as a text file, and
>> copy it to a telnet window.
>Not in Livingston-land you can't.

Really? Did it today and it works just fine.

Some telnet programs won't allow you to do this ie ProComm, but NetTerm
works just fine. Been doing this for a couple years now.

I am talking about a text file with the commands that you need to type, as
you add/delete/modify you update the file. Just to be clear.

Jeff Mountin - System/Network Administrator

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