Re: USR Lowers Pricing (fwd)

Jonah Yokubaitis (
Fri, 4 Apr 1997 18:23:58 -0600 (CST)

On Fri, 4 Apr 1997, Kevin Smith wrote:

|At 01:43 AM 4/4/97 -0800, MegaZone wrote:
|>Once upon a time Richard Yoo shaped the electrons to say...
|>>I was under the impression that Livingston didn't want this sort of density
|>>in *one* box... I think the general consensus was that it would be too
|>>risky in case the box went dead... (230 ports going down at once would
|>There are definitely customers looking for a megaPOP box - channelized
|>T3 is 672 ports.
|>But that kind of box is to a PM-3 what a PM-3 is to an OR. Big difference.
|>Most ISPs don't have the need, or the budget, for a box like that.
|Really, then who is buying all of our TNTs ??

Morons that is who.

Care to come pick up the 2 TNTs sitting in my San Antonio facility
kevin? Both shipped DOA, and required new cards to work. Ascend also
didn't bother to tell us MLPPP didn't work with the TNT when they
shipped them to us. I could go on and on.

The TNTs are still sitting there unused. The bottom line is I
certainly don't want to use a box that has such a poor failure rate,
and uses HEAT BURNER rockwell modems.


Jonah Barron Yokubaitis | Texas' First X2 and K56flex
President | Internet Provider
Texas.Net . | Austin|San Antonio|Houston | Dallas|Fort Worth|Boerne
Making 56K affordable | Georgetown|Dripping Springs