PM3 Modem disconnects????

Philip Thomas (
Fri, 04 Apr 1997 16:26:40 -0800

We just recently placed our pm3 (very nice piece of equipment I might
add) online last week and have been testing it for reliablity with both
analog and isdn nodes. Unfortunetly after succesfully setting up the
first isdn node ( Ascend p50 ver 4.5c)I noticed that all analog
connections are being served every 1:30 seconds. To the best of my
knowledge I have made no major changes to the general COMOS
configuration. I have tested it with a USR sportster and various
Rockwell brands with the same results. I am not certain if it is the
user configuration on the pm3 internally or if it the phone company.
If anyone has any ideas or suggestions on how to debug this it would be
greatly apperciated.

My Thanks, Phil