Re: USR Lowers Pricing

Jonah Yokubaitis (
Fri, 4 Apr 1997 18:18:40 -0600 (CST)

On Thu, 3 Apr 1997, MegaZone wrote:

|Once upon a time Jonah Yokubaitis shaped the electrons to say...
|>486/66 with some very nice software in it :-) The DSP modem cards I
|>doubt cost more than $15-25/modem. The entire chassis costs livingston
|>< $1000 to build I would bet. Now, having an ENTIRE company to have to
|You are so far off it isn't funny. Seriously.

How far off am I then? :) 200%? 400%?

|>Livingston is a software company that loads their software onto fairly
|>off the shelf hardware.
|If you look at the product architecture it is a LOT more than off the
|shelf parts lashed together.

I never said lashed together hardware. Stop putting words in my mouth.
If you think that 486/66 cpus, siemens controllers, analog devices
dsps, 72pin simms etc are custom then by all means keep thinking so.
You are missing my point here. I *LIKE* that Livingston is using
inexpensive, easily available parts because in the long run it will
allow the company *I* invested hundreds of thousands of dollars in
hardware in to be competitive. It is NOT an easy proposition changing
what network vendor you use every 6 months. We committed to PM3s for
a REASON, and honestly the box delivers everything I want at this

|>now, a 10 PRI box with full duplex 100baseT would be quite nice :-)
|Patience, patience.

Oh, I have patience :-) I am quite content with dual PRI boxes that
aren't heat burners for right now. In 6-12months who knows :-)


Jonah Barron Yokubaitis | Texas' First X2 and K56flex
President | Internet Provider
Texas.Net . | Austin|San Antonio|Houston | Dallas|Fort Worth|Boerne
Making 56K affordable | Georgetown|Dripping Springs