Re: USR Sportsters and PM3

Beth Montes (
Fri, 4 Apr 1997 18:14:49 -0600

At 01:16 AM 4/1/97 -0500, you wrote:
>I've had several customers complain that they're unable to get past the
handshaking phase when using USR Sportsters (28.8 and 33.6) to connect to
our brand new PM3. We're running ComOS 3.5.1b8 using T1's instead of PRI's
(D4 framing, AMI encoding, Trunk E&M wink start signaling).
>These same customers never had any trouble connecting to our Multitech
analog modems.
>It's probably some sort of intialization string problem with the
Sportsters. Any suggestions?
>David Cecil

David, we are having exactly the same problem. In addition, we see
all our users getting across-the-board slower connections than on our
analog USR MP's.

Open a tech support case with Livingston, ask for the upgrade to
ComOS 3.5.1b11 (not in open beta release yet). It's supposed to fix
some of the bugs in 3.5.1b8, but it didn't help us. I'd be very
interested in knowing if it helps you. I believe Livingston is aware
of these problems, and is working on a fix, but we're unable to pin
them down on *exactly* what the problems are, what is supposed
to be fixed in 3.5.1b11, and when we may see a real, working fix
to all our problems. If you get any definite info, please email me.


Beth Montes I-Land Internet Services
vx: 816-827-5111 x21 Sedalia, MO