Re: USR Lowers Pricing (fwd)

Jason Fesler (
Fri, 04 Apr 1997 17:10:14 -0800

At 11:33 AM 4/4/97 -0800, Kevin Smith wrote:
>>Most ISPs don't have the need, or the budget, for a box like that.
>Really, then who is buying all of our TNTs ??

With a lot of hope, the phone companies.

I fixed my Ascend problem a while back. The Livingston reps I had
out said that they (Livingston folks) know our name rather well
after seeing this URL.. <- How I fixed the Ascend box

I only avoided posting that URL to the Ascend list, because I wanted to
find an Ascend lover, who was used to (or unaffected) by it's quirks, to
purchase it off of us. Luckily, we found someone just a few days ago, and
as I told the office.. "We're A-S(c)ending it away!".

[Guess I need to update that image now..]

>Senior Technical Support Engineer Resources are now at:
>Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction, eh? Your P50's are tolerable (I hate the
interface, but once it's set up, it seems to work), but your
server side stuff left my satisfaction mark for Ascend at a big "0".

- Initial unit: pipeline. Wouldn't stop locking up on the ethernet.
After several months, you guys upgraded us to a Max 2000k.
Ethernet lockups fixed.
- Reboots every 1-3 days needed: pool leaks.
- My customers had to have my NOC number to tell us it's time to reboot.
- Lots of people having problems bonding
- 6 months later,
- bitch bitch bitch HARD.
- no call backs - had to fight to get anyone involved
- 6 months later, ip pool leaks "resolved": able to start advertising
the number (after paying for a full PRI for 6 months!!).
Reboots are less often to fix IP pool leaks - every 3-6 days.
- 4.6b: pool leaks. Several versions "fixed" it.
- 4.5c: pool leaks. Several versions "fixed" it.
- 5.0 : couldn't see the T1 (Adtran CSU could).
Upgraded at Ascend's request to fix (guess) IP pool leaks.
- 5.0p1: was able to see the T1 again.

(final straw)

- Order PM3.
- Unplug Ascend. Plug in PM3. Configure for 5 mintes, then up & running.
- Get email about people able to stay on longer
- Get email about people able to bond

To the folks at Livingston: my hat is off to you folks. We're currently
looking at leasing a buttload of PM3's, most with modems. Your equipment
is being tested now in two locations, and we're happy as hell. Folks are
connecting. The one case where the guy's 14k wouldn't connect, you guys
are making right. It runs cool, quiet, compact, has awesome connect rates,
is affordable, and has helped even recover customers.

Kudos Livingston..

Jason Fesler   'whois jf319'     | "Time is an illusion;
Admin, CalWeb Internet Services     | lunchtime, doubly so."
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