Re: USR Lowers Pricing (fwd)

Joe Sasek (
Fri, 04 Apr 1997 15:32:49 -0800

>At 03:12 PM 4/4/97 -0500, Matthew R. Sheahan wrote:
>>Kevin Smith propagated a meme to the effect of:
>>> > > Really, then who is buying all of our TNTs ??
>>> >Um... UUNet?
>>> They're big, but not *that* big.
>>Really? The story I heard was that they had you back-ordered by some
>>months' worth of production on the units. This could've been exaggerated
>>for dramatic effect, I'm sure.
>No, my point was that they are nt buying *all* of the TNTs. There are a
>number of customers besides UUNET.

Guys this is Portmaster-users not ascend-market data ;-) I doubt if many
here care to confirm whether or not UUNet is taking all of the Max TNT's or




>Kevin Smith Updated Service and Support >Senior Technical Support Engineer Resources are now at: >Customer Satisfaction >Ascend Communications > > > > ___________________________________________________________ Livingston Enterprises 4464 Willow Road Joe Sasek Pleasanton, CA 94588-8519 V.P of Sales & Marketing (510)737-2100 (Voice) (510) 426-8951 (Fax) Email ___________________________________________________________