Re: ASCEND brain-dead implementation? Or something else

Kevin Smith (
Thu, 03 Apr 1997 15:35:25 -0800

At 05:19 PM 4/3/97 -0600, you wrote:


>It is no longer an issue, HOWEVER, I would think that an "nvram"

>*should* be automatic on an upgrade, no?

Agreed. And I believe that the upgrade procedure does - or should include

step...I'll verify it.

>You're going to get a lot of people who get burned by this

>since its not at all obvious that there is a problem.

...going to... :) ...already have from what I remember...that's why I

changed the procedures that I wrote....

which was the procedure for XMODEM upgrade via the serial port:



Before loading the previously saved profiles, enter debug mode :

With your fingers positioned over the ESC and left bracket

([) keys, type in rapid succession ESC [ESC =. In summary,

the four keystrokes are escape, left bracket, escape, equal.

Once in debug, enter the command nvramclear (help for information). The

system will reset and you should proceed with reloading the saved



I'll check into the tftp procedures, and what is in the usergruide and

release notes...


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